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Tourist route "the Belovezhsky wreath"

гостиница Беловежской пущи

гостиница Беловежской пущи

String of a route:

Kamenyuki –  Dmitrovichi – Kamenets- Voyskaya –  Belovezhsky –  Ryasna –Vysokoe – Volchin – Gremyacha.

type of a route - automobile,
extent – 100 km,
duration – 11 hours,
the summary - informative.

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The route "the Belovezhsky wreath" covers the main sights of the Kamenets earth. He begins with Kamenyuki that is an administrative center of the Belarusian part of Bialowieza Forest. There are a hotel and the museum of the nature. It is possible to get acquainted with inhabitants of a dense forest, having visited open-air cages. Near the village, in the depth of forest area the entertainment complex "The Belarusian Father Frost's estate" is located.

In the center of the agrotown Dmitrovichi there is Sacred Church of the Transfiguration which has been constructed of a tree at the expense of parishioners and by means of the father Fedor Budilovich in 1786. The church represents the simplest type of an Orthodox church (odnosrubny with the platform on the main facade and is one of the most ancient in the territory of the area).

Over the city of Kamenets the severe 30-meter, finished by teeth brick tower built in 1276 towers. The Kamenets tower is most ancient defensive works of Belarus, has remained in almost original form, branch of the Brest regional museum of local lore now.

The monument to "architect" Oleksa" is established in 1988. It is devoted to "architect" Oleksa whom the Volynsk prince Vladimir Vasilkovich has sent in 1276 to northern borders of the principality to put fortress – future Kamenets.

Mass grave where 1640 soldiers of the 50th Guards shooting division and the 58th anti-tank division, 12 guerrillas who have died at release of the area from fascist aggressors in 1944 are buried.

The attention of the tourist in to Kamenets will be drawn: graceful Sacred and Simeonovsky church monument of architecture of the retrospective-Russian style. It is constructed in 1912-1914 of a stone. In volume and plastic structure of the temple forms of the Moscow architecture of 18 century are used. Pride of the temple is the majestic three-storied iconostasis).

The church of Saint apostles Pyotr and Pavel is constructed in 1925 of a stone, in the 90th years the temple is returned to the Catholic diocese.

In the center Voyskaya Sacred Trinity Church is located. It is built from a tree in 1587 by the lake Luka Zakharov and the princess Aleksandra Vishnevetskaya in memory about the prezhdeumershikh brothers and the sister. Represents the dvukhsrubny temple. The main facade of church is faced by the two-story belltower built in the 19th century.

Belovezhsky is under construction the temple in honor of Saint martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and mother of their Sofia.

Further follows Ryasna where the traveler can see Sacred and Mikhaylovsky church. The first stone in a basis of church has been put on April 9, 1991, construction is ended in 2002. The church is consecrated on August 8, 2002.

Saint Anne's church has been constructed 1744 for monks-marian which has existed till 1868, after his abolition, the teacher's school working before World War I has been open here.

Moving ahead further along a route, in ancient park of. High we will see Palace and park ensemble of Sapegov-Pototsky, formation of the estate has begun in 1678-80 when Pavel Sapega was her owner. At this time the lock and park with a reservoir have been put. The old lock has burned down in 1784. In 1815, near him Pavel Sapegi's wife has built the new palace.

The Varvarinsky kaplitsa, low octahedral kaplitsa is constructed in 1772 in Baroque style.

The former monastery of brothers Bonifratorov, is built in 1785 by order of the chancellor of Grand Duchy of Lithuania A. Sapegi. Till our time the house of monks of an award Bonifratorov who is a monument of architecture of baroque has remained.

Sacred Krestovozdvizhenskaya Church is located in the center of Vysokoe. It is constructed of a brick in 1869, is the representative of the retrospective-Russian style.

The church of the Holy Trinity constructed in 1603-1609 in Baroque style at the end of the 19th century has been reconstructed, updated in 1993.

Near. High there is the former manor of Volchin. It will be remembered by majestic ruins of the unique baroque church of the Holy Trinity constructed in 1733. Long time, since 1938 ashes of the last monarch of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth – the king of the Polish and grand duke Lithuanian Stanislav Augustus Ponyatovsky were based here.

Also in Volchin it was possible to see the Sacred and Nikolaev church in 1841 the stone building of a town hall is remade under orthodox church which in 1892 has been completed. The church is constructed in the retrospective-Russian style.

In the neighboring village Gremyacha we will see the imposing late classical palace of the picturesque estate of the beginning of the 19th century belonging to an ancient princely sort Puzynov.



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